Sunday, December 26, 2010

Virgin Blogger

I am enjoying a breakfast of waffles this morning as I am attmpting to set-up my blogsite. I dont even know what to call it. Does the word "blogsite" work?
MY main attempt here is to simply capture the experiences I gain as I continue to progress through my physical ventures, and this upcoming year promises to be very fulfilling. Before I launch into 2011 and all it has in store, here's a bit of a recap of what brought to this point:
In the last two years I have developed a passion for running. I may not be the fastest but I can hold my own with proper training. Running anything longer than an Army physical fitness test was beyond my comprehension until during my deployment in 2007 I competed in two 10k runs. They were fun and I brought the desire back with me. March of 2009 provided me with my first half-marathon and from that time on I have conintued to run as much as I can and as often as I can. Thus far I have completed 6 full marathons, 20 half-marathons, and several races of verying distances. And the best news of all? For 2011 I have received a sponsorship from Hammer Nutrition, my only means of fueling while in training or racing.
My goal here is not only maintain a log of my training and races, but maybe once in while see how the whole scheme of life affects me overall. We are the sum of our parts so-to-speak, and I will be building on this in the future.
Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the first member of your fan club! 2011 will be filled with adventures!
