Sunday, March 6, 2011

Red Rock Marathon

Red Rock Marathon 2011 is un the books! I improved by 15 minutes from last year, but with all the training I have been doing, my time should have been better. However, my time is completely wrapped up in my performance, and as you will see everything we do and everything we are remain intertwined with each other. My pre-race talk from my coach included the comment that to an ultra runner Red Rock is a rolling terrain or basically flat. While I can see his point, my perspective from yesterday was not like that at all. So, my post is basically my email reply to him. Keep in mind that even now, a full day later I am still a bit fuzzy in the head!
Jared: I must not be an ultra-runner. I didnt find Red Rocks to be rolling or basically flat at all. I found my pace very easy to maintain starting out and worked the hills very well. They were steep and felt my breath leave me gasping, but I managed well. The long downhill from the peak elevations increased my pace, but it wast what I thought to be too much. I knew it would faster than 9:30, and I ended up around 8:30. I took two oz og gel at 0530 before the race, and at an hour I gel'ed, then again an hour later, which took me close to the turn-around area. The downhill towards the visitors center was where I took my beating. When I rounded the corner to make my two-laps near the welcome center, my legs didnt want to move. They felt like bricks. I made my two laps, headed back uphill, and after some calculating figured in the last 2.5 hours I only took in 180cal, so I gel'ed again. That was the last gel i took. Water was early, often and frequent hitting the bottle with a moutful at every mile, maybe a bit further. I thought the water was actually good.
The trip back around the loop took its toll. My energy levels were diminished and many times I had that tired feeling of wanting to sleep as described before. The hills I could only walk up at a slow gate. downhills were my normal pace, not anything near the first half. I finished at 4:30.
Effects after the race: I came home, took a shower, and went to sleep. I woke for a little while but again fell asleep around 2p.m. I have eaten waffles and bacon, but that's about it. Water has been around 64oz. My legs feel like noodles, and my insides are kinda mushy, like they are not working right, kinda like they are nervous. I had some dizzy spells too for awhile.
Here is what I think created this: Last Friday began the NASCAR mission and over the weekend I had some big ticket mission stuff, and then on Tuesday I had many big training events to coordinate. These had to deal with weapons etc which created some tasks of high importance. On top of that I still needed to complete my annual training meeting preps. 
SO......what ultimately happened was my nutrition suffered. I really couldn't tell you what I ate this week, not just for lunch, but dinner as well. I do think my water was good with my red hammer nalgene providing me a good measurement for quantity. But not having a sufficient amount of good nutrients hurt. On top of that, my sleep simply sucked.
Add to the mix my college class requirements and I simply did not have a good pre-race week.
Right now I am icing my legs, and my feet are killing me. Compression socks are on too.
The good news: Once next week is over, I will be on easy street. The first week in April is all off days, so I should be able to prepare myself appropriately for Labor.
I look forward to your eval too. I am really not sure if I evaluated it correctly. I so much want to know why it is I lose energy so easily on the second half.

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