Monday, March 14, 2011

6 Tunnels to Hoover Dam 3rd Anniversary

Three years ago this race was my introduction into the world of long distance running. I have completed this course a total of five times now, so I know it pretty well. Each time I traversed this route, I have managed to shave a minute from the previous time, but the course has never been freindly to me. The long slow uphill of the first three miles followed by the return to the start line 3 miles played havoc with my stride and my HR. The result has always been a struggle during the dirt portion of the last 7 miles. Rocky and graveled the back 7 can be challening with street shoes, not to say its tough with trail shoes. Run it again I did though, this year having a special guest on board. I have been goading my OPS NCOIC to run a half marathon and he took me up on it. We had a great time. Ultimately, for his first half he did respectably well coming in 10th in his age group. Pretty darn good for a virgin marathoner.

From my side of things, I am not really sure what to say except during this run I was actually happy. Other races I have felt good, but this was the only one I can remember where I pretty much sang throughout the entire race. Not out loud for most of it, but there were times when I let my voice be heard! Suffice it to say the amount of stress I have been experiencing over the last few weeks have taken its toll until the day before the race when it finally came to a close. The ape was off my back called ATMS and I was free to run as I am intended: Burdenless.
I started out slowly enough at a 9:30 pace at least through mile 8 or even 9. But I suddenly realized I much energy I had and allowed my feet to springboard stride after stride. By the time I hit mile 10 I was steady at an 8:00 to 8:15, something I knew I should NOT be doing, but could resist. As I continue to train for my 50, a quicker pace is the opposite of what I want, but I just felt soooo goood!
Approaching the finish at maybe 200m out, I passed what I thought would be final kill. Yet, I heard his footsteps behind me, taunting me. I got mad and kicked it into high gear, his trailing laughter sealing the deal for me. Yet as I came within 20m of the finish he came out of nowhere and crossed the line just ahead of me!! I never did get his name but it was all in the spirit of fun competition as mutual congrat were echanged.
I later saw him crashed out next to his car. Hmmm....I wonder what it took for him to beat me?

Bottom line: It has been awhile since I felt that way, but I was happy and my run showed it. 8th in my age group, 104 out of 610. My time was 1:54:03. Amazing the difference a day makes when your heart is free from burdens and strife.

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